Sale of farm machinery and equipment for growing pastures and fodder
Support farmers/farms acquire Tractors and implements for growing fodder and making of hay/silage. Support is both individuals and cooperatives.
Farmer makes a down payment of 20% of the total cost of the tractor and its implements. The Financial Institution finances 80% of the Loan at an interest rate of 12%
Contact:Engineering Solutions (Med.) 0752-701239

Artificial Insermination Services
Promoting a new bussiness model, where farmers pay for result (conception), rather than service (insermination).
For the farmer: UGX 100,000 fixed cost
guaranteeing results, and including ear-tag, blood test, mobile phone monitoring tool and free repeat (if necessary)
Contact person for the 13 Al technicians, participating in the model, David Mujuni on 0772-309015 or Scheme in participation with Cooper Kenya Limited (CKL) Ronald Nuwagira on 0702-938392

Sales of chaff cutters for silage making
Supporting the introduction of chaff cutters to assist dairy farmers to make silage, hay and broken maize.
3 litres petrol chopper: UGX 3 million
8 HP Diesel Chopper: UGX 5 million.
13HP Diesel chopper: UGX 7.0 million
16HP Diesel chopper UGX 9 million
24HP Diesel chopper: UGX 16.5 million
4DIZ Company Hilda Nduhura: 0772.464614 /0759.801093
Brazafric Uganda Tom Katsyamira: 0701.356038
High Mark Fram Nicholas Masiko: 0700.283950

Construction of spray race for tick control
Promoting quality cattle spray races for dairy farmers.
TIDE subsidy: 40% for the frame
Farmer contribution: 60% for the spray race frame and entire costs of the civil works.
Kwewayo Uganda vet Pharmacy, Dr. Benedict Lugemwa: 0772-425662 or 0701-095530
Dr. Julius T 0702-411130

Construction of biogas digesters for cooking
Upscalling use of household digesters, improving household energy efficiency and bio-slurry as fertilizers.
Three sizes;
6 cubic metres: UGX 1.5 million
9 cubic metres: UGX 1.8 million
13 cubic metres: UGX 2.2. million
TIDE Contributes UGX 500,000 per plant. For more information contact Kasibante Julius of Biogas Solutions Uganda on 0702-420770

Farm records App
A simple farm management software, which allows you to create and record the history of production and events on your farm.
TIDE subsidy: 50% of the cost ot the mobile app gadget, win a voucher of 2.000,000 if one completes 6 months of un interrupted on farm records.
Farmer contribution: 50% of mobile app
omni Tech: Peter Waholi: 0775-144070/ 0783-172238

Water Preservation & Distribution using Dam Lining Technology
Support farmers to store large volumes of water by use of dam liners.
Farmer willingness and capacity to invest 70% of the toatal cost of the preffered volume of dam lined tank.
30% is provided as a subsidy by SNV.
Contacts:Ballton Uganda Ltd: Agnes 0757-771330

Water for Production-Other Secondary Storage and distribution
Supporting farmers to acquire rain water harvest systems, secondary water storage systems and intergrated water distribution solutions.
Eligibility: Farmer willingness & capacity to invest 75% of the total cost of the prefferd water system. 25% is provided as subsidy by SNV through Water and Pumps International.
Contacts: 0704764283
Production Improvement Loans For Dairy Farmers
Through interest buy-down scheme with local financial institutions, Farmers can access loans of upto 70 millions at 12% interest rate per year (Reducing balance)
For any products, a farmer has to choose between benefiting either from interest buy-down or direct subsidy offered through the service provider.
EBO SACCO: Elias :0782-115318/0754-115218
Rushere SACCO: Ruth: 0703-317389/0712-802786
Buturo SACCO:(Speciaaly for zero grazers)

Practical Training on Dairy Farms
3 traning themes each of 4 days on offer:
- Feeding and Nutrition (AGDI)
- Breeding and generic gain (RDI)
- Animal Health (Mutanoga)
@ UGX 350.000 (Residential) and
UGX 190.000(non-residential)
TIDE subsides: Women owned and Youth: 50% subsidy (for both residents and non- residents at the farm).
Tel: 0772-455103

Construction of milking Parlour, Hay store & Cattle Crash
Supporting smallon-farm investments that can increase hygien and production on the farm.
Miliking parlour for atleast 5 cows (wood/steel versions).
Hay barn in steel or wooden materials.
Cow shed or Zero grazing Unit (small holder or large scale commercial farmers)
Cattle crush in (steel/wood versions), Animal bio-safety structures (tyre bath/cattle grid)
TIDE subsidy; 25% of costs of materials (maximum of ugx 20.0000.000)

Structural Farm Planning, Fencing & Paddocking
Supporting farmers to improve their grazing system through fencing/paddocking for better pasture management.
TIDE subsidy: 35% on each of the following;Farm clearing (bushes, shrubs, and ant hills)
Farm, survey and farm planning
Purchase of fencing and paddocking materials (Poles, nails, and barbed wire)
Farm set-up of fences and paddocks.